We Treat Water Right.

How WaterCop Systems Benefit Home-Owners

WaterCop is an Automatic Water Shutoff System that helps homeowners be protected from potential water damage. The system works 24/7 to protect the home from floods. The WaterCop system works with wired and wireless flood sensors, wall switches, and most home security and home automation systems.

There are many benefits of the WaterCop system, including overall property protection around the clock, even when you’re not home. It gives you the ability to relax and not worry about potential costs associated with water damage. Flood damage and losses related to plumbing problems can lead to higher home insurance costs and possibly the loss of affordable coverage altogether.

“WaterCop offers a complete line of residential leak detection systems that are easy to install. There are no plastic parts inside our automatic shut-off valves, they are made with industrial grade materials and are built to last. Be sure to check with your insurance provider for available discounts when you install a WaterCop system.”

The WaterCop System works by using the automatic shut-off valve on the water supply line. The sensors then detect a leak, even if it’s only a few ounces, and send a signal to the automatic shut-off valve.

The WaterCop System can be used on washing machines, sinks, water heaters, toilets, and dishwashers. It also works on refrigerators, spigots and automatic humidifiers. It can be installed in single-family homes, multi-family residences, vacation/rental homes, or even senior living centers. It can also be installed in offices, dormitories or laundry businesses.

Contact Metro Water Filter for more information installing your own WaterCop system.

The Best Water Filter for Your Bathroom

Having a long and hot shower can be quite refreshing and totally calm. However, based on the kind of water you have in your house, showering can be quite scary. This is why it is crucial for you to install the best shower water filter in your bathroom.

How to find a good water filter
Choosing a good water filter can be quite challenging if you are not well informed. Below are factors that you need to put into consideration before purchasing one:

  • Compatibility: Before buying a filter, you need to consider its compatibility on the showerhead. As much as some water filters are changeable, we have unchangeable ones, and thus care is needed when choosing one.
  • Durability: Everyone wants something that will last and save them frequent replacement costs. You, therefore, need to look at the material used to manufacture the filter. High-strength materials are the best and long-lasting. Check also for the life span of the filtration cartridge.
  • Changeability: However, much durable the filters are, they cannot last forever. You, therefore, need to look at how adjustable they are for future replacements. A good filter fits easily on the showerhead, thereby making it easy to change.
  • Cost: Once you decide to buy a filter, you need to understand that high-quality filters are a bit more expensive. The cost, however, cannot be equaled to the benefits you acquire in installing a good and high-quality filter.

Benefits of installing a good water filter

  • Chlorine reduction: Shower filters help reduce chlorine levels in your water. This helps to reduce asthma attacks, flare-ups, skin irritation, as well as dryness problems.
  • Softens hard water: A good water filter contains ceramic spheres that are responsible for producing non-scaling, soft water, which helps to soften your hair.
  • Improved well-being: Considering the fact that harmful chemicals have been filtered thereby eliminating the risk of skin damage, your general body well-being gets improved.

To have a taste of a nice showering experience, then installing a water filter system in your bathroom is the way to go. Contact us for more information about installing the system.

What Causes Hard Water and How Do I Get Rid of It?

What is Hard Water?

While all water coming out of the faucet usually appears clear and clean, you’ve probably heard people talk about how “hard” or “soft” it is without necessarily knowing what they mean or what the ramifications of hard water can be.

How hard water is can be determined by the number of minerals and chemicals contained within it, invisible to the naked eye. Soft water has a low mineral and chemical concentration, while hard water has high levels of calcium, magnesium carbonates, bicarbonates, and sulfates. These minerals typically build up in the water from contact with deposits of limestone, chalk, or gypsum.


How can I tell if my water is hard?

Since you likely won’t be able to tell from looking at your running water whether or not it is hard, there are a few signs to watch for which include:

  • Mineral Stains – When your clothes come out of the washer, are they still discolored? Perhaps they are wearing out faster despite fewer washings?
  • Discoloration and Spots – Deposits of calcium on your dishes when you remove them from the dishwasher can be a sign of hard water.
  • Decreasing Water Pressure – Mineral deposits build up inside the pipes, shrinking the circumference of them and delivering less water to your faucet in your home.
  • Film on your Hands – After you wash your hands, do you still feel a film upon them? This is caused by the soap reacting with the calcium in the water and forming soap scum causing you to have to rinse your hands longer to remove the layer.
  • Strange Taste or Smell – Some people report a metallic taste, or perhaps one of dirt along with a smell of rotten eggs.


Hard Water vs Soft Water

Since hard water is a heavy concentration of chemicals and minerals, obviously, soft water is the opposite. If you have soft water you will enjoy:

  • No mineral stains or build up on your clothes after washing. Your clothes also won’t wear out as fast in the wash.
  • Dishes come out of the dishwasher without calcium spotting and water stains won’t build up in your sinks and toilets.
  • Your home will enjoy healthy water pressure.
  • No more soap scum on your hand when washing them or doing housework.
  • In some cases, there may be a slight taste of sodium in your drinking water, but no more smells of rotting eggs or taste of dirt.


Install a Water Filter

While there are no medical risks associated with hard water, it can and likely will do damage to your pipes and machines. Hard water causes a buildup of minerals within pipes causing them to clog and become blocked more frequently, which means more calls to the plumber, and your appliances will wear down faster running on hard water. Not to mention all the stain removal you’ll have to do to keep your kitchen and bathroom looking bright.

If you suspect the water running into your house is hard and it is making your life miserable, call us today and install a water filter to remove those unwanted minerals at the source and save yourself the headache of wasting all that water washing your hands twice to get rid of the soap scum with water that smells like rotten eggs.


5 Reasons Why You Should Consider a Whole Home Water Filtration System

There are many reasons why you need to consider a whole home water filtration system to solve common problems in the home. At Metro Water Filter, we want to help you design and build the system that will give you the high-quality water you deserve and resolve these issues and more:

  1. Your home is built on sediment that’s high in limestone or sand content. This results in high turbidity in the water, which needs to be filtered and removed through a proper water system.
  2. Your water has a “sulfur” or “chlorine” smell. Many homes have hard water being pumped into them that contains a high amount of iron, sulfur, metals, or nitrates. These materials create an unpleasant odor, which is not desirable for washing dishes or clothes or taking a bath.
  3. You’re tired of performing salt service. We know that it’s possible to clean out the salt tank and water holding tank yourself each month and to call the water treatment service only when something goes wrong. However, this do-it-yourself approach can cause unnecessary strain on your back as you haul around 40-pound bags and stoop to clean out each tank. A water filtration system helps you preserve the right PH, smell, and taste in your household water.
  4. Your water is damaging the pipes in the kitchen and bathrooms. We see this especially in older homes because newer ones have plumbing made of plastic or CPVC components. Pumping untreated water into the home results in corrosion.
  5. You don’t want hard water to damage your clothes. Consumers who don’t want to drink the water because they have a filtration system inside their refrigerator will still need clean water for doing laundry and dishes and for bathing.

Living anywhere could present a high water demand, especially during the warmer months, when you want to bathe or shower more than once per day. Without maintaining a water supply of high quality, you could quickly get frustrated with the entire system. It won’t be cost-effective to arrange for a one-time service just because the water is unpleasant. It’s better to update to a whole home water filtration system. For details, please contact us today.

The Importance of Water Filtration in the Restaurant Industry

Water is the most important substance in our bodies and it is the most important ingredient in your restaurant’s success. Water quality affects your food’s taste and it extends the life of your commercial appliances. Below we will discuss why a quality water filtration system should be a priority for every restaurant owner.

What is in Your Restaurant’s Water?

Your restaurant’s tap water can contain a wide range of contaminants. This type of pollution can alter the taste of the water dramatically and they can even be dangerous in large enough concentrations. Some common water contaminants are,

  • Sand
  • Chlorine
  • Pesticides
  • Metals (Iron, manganese)
  • Bacteria
  • Viruses

These materials are not supposed to be in our water but they will not be removed without proper filtration.

What Damage Can These Contaminants Cause?

These materials can cause health problems, especially after long-term ingestion. Bacteria and viruses are foreign attackers in our body and they can cause headaches, vomiting, stomach pain, fevers, and even organ failure in extreme cases. If you ingest unfiltered water then you have likely suffered from these as a result of contaminated water, probably without knowing it.

Lower Quality Food
A restaurant’s reputation is based primarily on how the food tastes. Water is used in the preparation of virtually every item on your menu and bad-tasting water will lead to a decrease in your food’s quality. This will inevitably lead customers to find another place to eat.

Decreased Appliance Life
You rely on your commercial appliances every day. You need them to work to ensure that your restaurant runs efficiently. The pollutants from unfiltered water can build up in appliances and increase the wear and tear on the unit. This will lead you to have to spend the money to replace them more often.

What Can a Filtration System do For Your Restaurant?

A high-quality water filtration system employs several different methods to make sure that your water is as clean as possible. Metro Water Filter is a Georgia area company that specializes in water filtration. We understand that your restaurant can’t afford to have water that is anything less than the best. We have experience in the field and we can work with you to design a system that will meet your needs. Contact us to discover how we can improve your restaurant through better water quality.

Five Simple Questions to Evaluate The Quality of Your Water

From cooking our meals to cleaning our houses and clothing to nourishing our bodies, there is no denying that water is a precious commodity in our daily lives. Regardless of whether your pipes are connected to a private well or a city water supply, when you turn on the faucet, you need to be able to trust that the water flowing out is clear, clean, and contaminant-free, but how do you know if your water is the best that it can be? You can start by answering five simple questions:

Is your water clear? When you fill a see-through container, your water should be nice and clear. If it is cloudy, has visible debris floating in it, there is oily scum on the surface, or there is sand in the bottom of the container, you could potentially have a problem with water quality.

Does your water have an odor? Unpleasant smells emanating from your water can indicate several different concerns. A rotten egg smell can indicate the presence of excess hydrogen sulfide gas, a musty smell can indicate bacterial contamination, and a strong chlorine smell can indicate the potential for chemical overtreatment in the public water supply.

Does your water taste strange? Water should always taste fresh and clean, regardless of the source. If your water tastes bitter, salty, metallic, or you can taste chemicals, you should stop drinking it immediately and have the water tested.

Are there unexplained stains or discolored spots on your clean laundry? Calcium, rust, and magnesium are all contaminants that are found in water or, in some cases, in the pipes that carry the water. Unless they are filtered out, they can deposit on fabrics during washing, leaving yellow, brown, and red stains.

Is there scale build-up on your fixtures? Crusty or flaky build-up on shower heads, faucets, and in toilet bowls can indicate that you have hard water. While it’s not dangerous, it will decrease the life of the appliances that use it, from high-end coffee makers to hot water heaters and everything in-between.

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it’s time to evaluate whether you need to install a new water treatment system or upgrade your existing equipment. With more than thirty years experience providing clean water, the experts at Metro Water Filter are uniquely qualified to help you diagnose problems with your water and install the right system to restore your peace of mind. Contact us today to schedule your water test as soon as possible!

Benefits of Acid Water Filters

Acidic water is a very destructive force that all homeowners and businesses should be cautious and prepared for. Acid water is water that has been tested to have a pH lower than 6.8. Neutral water, or safe water, has a pH of 7.

Acid Water Could…

  • Eat away at pipes (both metal and plastic)
  • Cause leaks in faucets, valves and washers and can even cause them to run continuously
  • Destroy sink faucet and drain fixtures, tub faucet and drain fixtures, and any metal parts in toilets
  • Harm You
  • Corrode copper and metals

Damage caused by acid water can be very expensive and frustrating. It can disturb the balance in a well functioning home or business with the need for repairs and reconstructions that often get in the way. The best way to solve a problem is to prevent it from happening. Acid water filters do just that.

Benefits of an Acid Water Filter:

  • Protects your plumbing, fixtures and expensive appliances – Dishwashers, ice makers, and washing machines are a few of the appliance that are readily damaged by acid water. The acid water filter can protect you from these expensive repair/replacement costs.
  • Protects your pipes from developing leaks – Pipes, valves, and faucets are always the target of damage from acid water. The acid water filter saves you from unexpected plumbing costs.
  • Fully automatic operation – Once the device is set and installed, it does the rest of the work for you, guarding your family’s water day and night.

Our acid filters work by using a neutralizing media filter to make the water that travels through less acidic. In addition to saving you expenses on plumbing costs, we also designed our acid filter to be durable and dependable. With self-cleaning and an adjustable cleaning cycle, our acid filter is very low maintenance making it a high return investment.

An acid water filter is a great way to protect your home or business from unexpected issues. Metro Water Filter also offers on-site water analysis to test the pH of your water. Contact us today to set up an on-site analysis for your home or business.


Is It Okay to Drink Well Water?

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, nearly 15% of Americans rely on well water as a source of drinking water. There are many benefits to using a well to access drinking water, with one of the main ones being that it is cost efficient. However, many people have concerns when it comes to drinking water from wells, and worry that the water might be contaminated.

Well water is typically safe to drink, especially in the United States. However, because private wells are not covered by the EPA, this water is not regulated and therefore there is no guarantee that the water is safe. The following aspects should be considered when determining if your well water is safe:

  • How was the well constructed? Ensure that your well was constructed properly and functions smoothly.
  • How deep-seated is your well? It is suggested to have a well that is over 800 feet deep; as a rule of thumb, deeper wells produce cleaner water.
  • What is the underground geology surrounding your well? Contaminants are more likely to enter well water in certain geological conditions, so be sure to place your well in an appropriate location.
  • Which elements are more abundant in your location? Arsenic, copper, radon, and calcium are all naturally-occurring elements that can influence your water.
  • Are you located near commercial farms or animal feeding operations? If so, there is a possibility of your well being contaminated with runoff pesticides or herbicides.

The most effective way to make sure that your well water is safe to drink is to get the water tested on a routine basis. Well water is perfectly safe to drink as long as it is not contaminated. Wells can quickly become contaminated with Coliform bacteria, nitrates, or other harmful contaminants, so getting the water tested at least once a year can help ease any worries of unsafe drinking water.

The Earth’s Extremes: Where is the purest and the dirtiest water in the world?

When you think of naturally clean water, chances are glacial water in the arctic will come to mind. Think about all the water bottle companies whose brand have a snowy mountain or glacier on the bottle: Aquafina, Ice Mountain, Evian to name a few. The purest natural water ever recorded to date was found in Puerto Williams, at the very bottom of Chile in South America. This archipelago is hidden from earth’s major air currents, allowing it to stay free from pollutants in the air and does collect snow ice from the mountains bordering it.

The dirtiest water in a natural body is a tougher question to answer for the unfortunate reason that there are a lot of very nasty bodies of water out there. Two of the most contaminated sources of water are Lake Karachay in Russia and the Citarum River in Indonesia. The former is a nuclear waste dump, making it one of the most radioactive places in the world. It would be very unwise for anyone to get close to the lake, let alone swim or fish in it. The Citarum is a dumping ground for over 300 factories, making it home to plastics, chemical waste, and other forms of garbage. Large parts of this river are considered ecologically dead.

While we are fortunate to have safe drinking water in the majority of the United States, our country is not immune to biological mishaps that tend to be associated with Eastern Asian countries. We encourage you to research your state’s water health and voice concerns when warranted.

Common Water Contaminants

We all know what dirty water looks like and have had that thought: ‘there’s no way I would drink that!’ The dirty water eye test is a great way to avoid getting sick, but it is not the end-all-be-all test for ensuring your water is safe. In fact, looks can be very deceiving when it comes to water. Some water can have slight coloration and be perfectly fine to drink while other samples of water can look crystal clear and still make you sick. The reason for this is because of microbial water contaminants. These are very tiny chemicals that usually enter the water source early on and are not properly filtered out. They are a common occurrence around agriculture because of poor management of pesticide and fertilizer runoff or near industrial plants that have weak guidelines for pollutants. Some of these contaminants, listed out by the Water Quality Association, can cause serious health issues, most notably cancer.

  • Aluminum
  • Ammonia
  • Arsenic
  • Barium
  • Cadmium
  • Chloramine
  • Chromium
  • Copper
  • E. coli
  • Fluoride
  • Giardia
  • Lead
  • Mercury
  • Nitrates
  • Nitrites
  • Perchlorate
  • Radium
  • Selenium
  • Silver
  • Uranium

Using a service like Metro Water Filter can help protect yourself against these contaminants. Call us today to learn more!

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