There are many reasons why you need to consider a whole home water filtration system to solve common problems in the home. At Metro Water Filter, we want to help you design and build the system that will give you the high-quality water you deserve and resolve several issues and more.

Issues to Consider to Get Whole Home Water Filtration System

  1. Your home is built on sediment that’s high in limestone or sand content. This results in high turbidity in the water, which needs to be filtered and removed through a proper water system.
  2. Your water has a “sulfur” or “chlorine” smell. Many homes have hard water being pumped into them that contains a high amount of iron, sulfur, metals, or nitrates. These materials create an unpleasant odor, which is not desirable for washing dishes or clothes or taking a bath.
  3. You’re tired of performing salt service. We know that it’s possible to clean out the salt tank and water holding tank yourself each month and to call the water treatment service only when something goes wrong. However, this do-it-yourself approach can cause unnecessary strain on your back as you haul around 40-pound bags and stoop to clean out each tank. A water filtration system helps you preserve the right PH, smell, and taste in your household water.
  4. Your water is damaging the pipes in the kitchen and bathrooms. We see this especially in older homes because newer ones have plumbing made of plastic or CPVC components. Pumping untreated water into the home results in corrosion.
  5. You don’t want hard water to damage your clothes. Consumers who don’t want to drink the water because they have a filtration system inside their refrigerator will still need clean water for doing laundry and dishes and for bathing.

Living anywhere could present a high water demand, especially during the warmer months, when you want to bathe or shower more than once per day. Without maintaining a water supply of high quality, you could quickly get frustrated with the entire system. It won’t be cost-effective to arrange for a one-time service just because the water is unpleasant. It’s better to update to a whole home water filtration system. For details, please contact us today.